So, let’s get real for Real Life Wednesday, I mean really real!
I, Melissa, do confess…I am a total klutz.
True story, I broke my foot in my sleep once. What’s that you say, crazy lady?
Yep, broke the foot in the sleep. How does one break their foot in their sleep?
Here’s how it all went down…I have no stinking idea!
Let me start off with telling you I also sleep walk & sleep talk (that’s a whole other RLW post, my siblings should really guest post for that one – hahaha ;). So, one morning I woke up lying on my bedroom floor by my bedroom door curled up in the fetal position and my foot hurt, I mean REALLY hurt. I went to the ER & it was broken…what??? How did I break my foot in my sleep?
Did I run out in front of traffic?
Did I try to kick my door open (i.e. laying by the door)?
Was I in a ninja fight?
Was I stepped on by an elephant?
Who knows, I’ll never know, unless I find it on YouTube one day – HA!
So, back to the point at hand. I’m a klutz. Need proof? Here’s a photo montage of all my current visible scars (not including my appendix & gallbladder removal scars – because those were not due to my clumsiness) & war wounds (a war with myself –HA!).
- burn scar on my right arm from stirring a pot
- surgery scar on my back from having back surgery
- bruise on my left arm from…dunno?
- scar on my right foot from falling down a ravine
- cut on my left leg from walking into the open dishwasher
- bruise on my right thigh from constantly walking into the corner of my side of the bed
- cut on left pointer finger…don’t know either, it just appeared?
What’s your most creative theory? How do you think I broke my foot in my sleep – do tell!
xx ♥ m
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oh ouch! that is some sleep walking trip!
I am a sleep walker too.. really bad as a child, not so much now… but my middle child looks like he is going to be a keen sleep walker too. The other night he got up, did a puzzle and when I disturbed him he got upset.. still alseep I sat him on my lap and he pee-ed all over me! Ah the joys!
oh my goodness Kate – THAT is hilarious! He did a puzzle? Well, I guess if I can break my foot anything is possible…next he’ll be doing some complex math problem…”wait a second mom I’m figuring out the space time continuum” :) I think mine (SW & ST) is waning too…haven’t woken myself up in a while talking or walking…hehee!
xx ♥ m
I am so impressed you did not wake up.
Clearly though you were fighting off Zombies to stop the start of the Zombie Apocalypse.
hahahaha! Soooo funny, it’s true – those darn zombies – LOL!
Thanks for stopping by Marita :)
xx ♥ m
Hello fellow sleep walker and talker.
I would love to read that post.
My siblings share funny stories too. Stories I was a part of but can’t remember. My hubby, however, finds my sleeping antics completely frustrating.
hehe – we should do a joint post of “the adventures of sleepwalkers & talkers!” I’m game!!! :) So glad to meet a fellow sleep walker & talker! Thanks for popping by Jackie!!
xx ♥ m