so, what’s cookie butter – oh once you go cookie butter you never go back – spoonful, after spoonful will make their way to your lips, it’s not a premonition, it’s a fact.
Trader Joe’s Speculoos Cookie Butter is kind of a cross between Nutella & Biscoff, kinda?! You know what they taste EXACTLY like?! Those windmill cookies
from my childhood my Grammy always used to buy. Yes, by golly that’s it – I’ve nailed the taste – oooey gooey windmill cookie spread – oh my!
So, it was only that with time, that I began experimenting with it in baking. Well, after I bought a couple more containers because that first one disappeared & I have no idea where it went ;)
Introducing Cookie Butter Muddy Buddies – oh yeah!!!
These Cookie Butter Muddy Buddies will MELT IN YOUR MOUTH with deliciousness. One handful is simply not enough.
- Combine powdered sugar and ground Nilla wafers in a large sealed bag. Shake bag to evenly combine the two. Set aside.
- In a medium microwave-safe bowl, combine cookie butter, white chocolate chips and butter. Microwave on high for 1 minute then stir. Continue to heat in microwave in 30 second increments, until mixture has just started to melt, careful to not overheat & burn. Once mixture has started to melt, mix together with spoon to blend - mixture will be thick.
- In a large bowl add rice Chex & spread cookie butter mixture over the cereal. Using your hands blend the two together very gently, to coat the cereal with the cookie butter mixture. This will take a few minutes.
- Once combined thoroughly, using a spatula, pour coated Rice Chex mixture into sealed bag with powdered sugar/Nilla wafer crumbs that was set aside earlier. Seal the bag once again and shake the bag to evenly coat all the cereal with the sugar/cookie mixture.
- Once combined, let mixture cool for about 15 minuted so that it completely adheres to the rice cereal.
Adapted from Chef In Training
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